Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"like a pea in a pod"


I have slotted into my new Bangkok company "like a pea in a pod"
They all think im hilarious!
I make every one laugh!
One thing that has come back with the removal of all the other crap in the past 24 months is my humour, wit and spontaneity!
I now sing LOUDLY & OPERATICALLY Happy Birthday to staff members who have a birthday, ( i of course know the dates , as i control the staff data base)
The PA to the owner had her last day, and we were all invited to a (huge 300 people) restaurant for dinner. I very very LOUDLY sang Happy Farwell.
I dont think i have had applause like it for almost 14 years, when i used sing as a waiter at Jordan's seafood for peoples birthday!
yet it was hilarious - very very funny.
That never happened in the past 10 years.
I did not make people laugh at work as much as now
I made people laugh on the phone (yet it was hard work to think on my feet - or ear!)
I now come out with lines and wit that even surprises me!
I am actually very funny!
and I make myself laugh as well!
a good thing.
I have learnt also in the past 4 months in Thailand that i am a good person.
a very good person
I care about people
I enjoy people
and I wish all people which I come in contact with to be happy and content.
The majority of the company staff gravitate to me to solve any issues they have with the owner and so forth.
The owner gravitates to me to ask about the staff and how to make the staff happy.
its an interesting dynamic.
Yet I have learnt that I like and are good at being a subordinate manager
I have always wanted to right (should be write but i cant change it as its is funny) a book about my experiences
I have always wanted to write about companies and management
Tonight at the restaurant it dawned on me what the title and or subject would be.
I have to work on the title thou
"Selective Subordinate Management"
Who knows
but i have to say I love answering at a mid, upper level, and not being the Boss.
so i think ill work on that subject, having been subordinate at McGrath and then the Boss at Di Jones and then subordinate at Destination Properties.
lots of subject matter.
Yes as you have read i am having lots of fun at work!
And a rarely have McDonalds delivered for dinner.
I prefer to get KFC delivered as I love the coating (being honest and it is so cheap and easy)
and oh my god yes - i am still very very Fat!
I have not put on any weight at all thou - I have lost weight!
I have lost some due to the company supplying lunch each day as well as walking to and from work
My favourite day is Tuesday - not for the food, but I get lunch and then sit at my Apple Mac and watch Media Watch replayed on ABC broad band!
I went to the dentist twice this week
Any one who can remember knows I have good teeth, thou i have 4 old silver YUK dark fillings. (2 top and 2 bottom)
so i went and had my teeth cleaned, and the YUK fillings replaced with white fillings.
I also had my teeth cleaned and Bleached. ( Not that I need to ) thou it is economical here so I did!
I now have a mouth like a light house - it just shines back and forth.
Oh and yeah - next project is the waistline. thanks for the reminder!
My maid now comes 5 days a week (part time), as she needs the money as her husband left her and she has a 10 month year old kid.)
she looks after me well, and is very honest.
so who cares about the extra money = she needs it!
its a public holiday here on Friday - QUEEN OF THAILAND'S B'DAY
so a huge sleep in for me!

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