Saturday, December 22, 2001


I am on the train travelling to Berlin - we are an hour away - but I have to
tell you I have never seen snow like it! we are in the middle of no where
passing through fields, little towns, farms etc! snow every where, It is
falling atm....... Everything from the powerlines to the trees and fences
are covered in Snow! Something other than Salt Lake City some 4 weeks ago
never en-counted in such mass. Ironic as I type a Barbra Streisand Christmas
Song starts to play. So I will have a nice little white christmas, rugged up
in my nice dark blue jumper from chicago, and my new black Kenneth Cole
Leather jacket I got on sale in New York. Some things occurred to me
yesterday - one was why they have jumpers that have the long role up neck -
always thought they were silly - but well here your neck would freeze!!! and
why my Volvo has seat warmers!!!! LOL your bum would freeze with out them! I
am Spending Christmas in Prague - that people tell me is like Burges in
Brussels - where I loved!!! Can you beleive that I have been away so long!!!
I never thought I would survive! but im doing great! Never know may not
return ;) tim x x x

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