Saturday, January 05, 2002

Taxi Taxi - Rip me off to the terminal please

Well its been 10 weeks! 10 weeks off on the longest break I have ever had in
my life. I arrived in Rome to the worst hotel I have ever seen! And to think
that they wanted 125.00 a nite for the room! I arrived and looked around and
thought the reception looked suss! then got to the room! Well I wont go on!
it was well. I last 5 mins and said cya! and hoped in to a cab and went to
another - someone suggested! 500% better! I was happier now - and not a
great deal more either! I checked in and the met up with my mate Marylyn
from New York, we went for a long walk past the Pantheon, and other sites,
there is soooooo much to see in Rome! Its amazing and very old history. We
had a great dinner together in a nice little Italian restaurant, swapping
travel stories, I don't really don't think she had a chance as all I did was
babble and babble and babble! But was a treat to catch up and share what
happened for my time of travel. The next morning we met up very early and go
lost walking to the Colosseum. But we did make it! and was worth all the
history, it was freezing mind you, I thought I lost a toe or 2 as it was
soooooooooo cold! But I checked and they were all there when I hoped into
the bath that evening. We had a late lunch/dinner at the hard rock café and
then off to our respected hotels. But I was well not a good terminology but
"I was over it" as in the holiday! I wanted to come home , I wanted to work,
I wanted my home back, I wanted my cats, I wanted my friends, - so knowing
me - I did what was right and hopped on a Qantas Jet and am back in Sydney!
I'm back at work on Monday the 7th with millions of ideas and things to do.
Thanks for all the emails and fun while I have been away! speak soon Tim

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